Friday, March 12, 2010


I just wanted to write about a few funny moments I have had in the last few weeks. First of all, I gotten not one, but two library books that have had photographs of hidden between the pages as book marks. One of the pictures was of someone I used to Facebook stalk. For some that may make sense...for others, it might make you scared of me. Do you ever come across someone who is a friend of a friend who just seems interesting and you want to stalk them? Well, that's what happened to me. It felt providential...not.
I just got a library book from the library which had the following note inscribed inside the front cover:
"Sheryl- Because I do pay attention- Because I do love you very much. -John"
The book was called Pigs in Heaven. I can only begin to assume that John was in the doghouse after Sheryl tried to talk to him about this book (which is definitely geared toward middle-aged women) and he probably was watching TV and not paying attention to her. So...he bought this book, read it, and then gave it to her to prove that he is trying to connect with her. I can also only assume that it ended up at the library after the couple divorced because Sheryl felt overwhelmed by John's intrusive attempts to connect with her...she needed more space. Women are never happy.

Also, while doing homework at Coffee Cottage in town, I overheard all the details I never wanted to hear about a lady's divorce. TMI, people. TMI. Yet, my curiosity always gets the best of me and I will continue to eavesdrop for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

  1. When I finished reading this post, I ashamedly admit that I looked for the Facebook "like" button. I desperately wanted to click it. But alas, this comment shall have to do. :o)
