Thursday, January 21, 2010

Miss Betty Crocker

This is my second week being a part-time student. For all intensive purposes, I am still considered Full-Time, but I am stretching my course load out so that I can add a year. Why add a year? Well, I want to be a good wife. I don't want to be applying for internships and then flying for interviews in my first year of marriage...that's all. Yet, I must say...I feel a bit more normal with less stress!
Being "normal" means that I can cook. I know everyone is really busy, but I am pretty biased. I think it's tough work being a graduate student. We do full-time job work with real clients with REAL problems. I'm not just a student. I am working for no pay...way more than 40 hours a week. I am being defensive, huh? Well, anyway, what I mean to say is that I have time to think...and my thoughts have been directed to cooking.
I started out by making some sort of chicken, carrot, and parsnips soup (it had curry). I think, overall, it needed more spice, but it was pretty good. Then I made chicken noodle soup...a definite winner...but tonight's bbq pulled chicken was the best :D
I invited friends to come over whenever because it was a crock-pot creation. It was really nice to see smiling faces, sit down, do homework, and laugh. The food was pretty good, but the company was better. The only thing missing was having Micah with me.
Micah arrives on February 13th, by the way. I am really looking forward to having him here. He is going to live down the street with some of my friends. I started to set his room up, but it still looks fairly empty.
Other than that, I have been trying to finish an assessment that has taken FAR TOO LONG to complete. It's been a bit of a mess and I feel like my head isn't screwed on just right because there are a lot of things up in the air...yet, there is a part of me that really enjoys learning to be more flexible. I just hope that my supervisors are gracious with my slowness.
Hmm...prayers- if anyone reads this, knows me, and is a praying-type of person, could you please pray for Micah as he is getting ready to come here? He needs to find a job and get settled...and, while I know it will be fine, I just hope that he has an easy transition.
That's all for tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Kim, don't worry about bias. Grad students that have real peoples' lives in their hands are the most stressed-out and busy people I know. I'm glad you're able to stretch things out and take your time. I think your patients (and your husband!) will be better off in the future, thanks to your good judgment. :o)
    Also, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying some time in the kitchen. Maybe someday I'll do that too... :o)

    Is it okay that I post a bunch of comments on here?
